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    09 Aug

    The Best Way To Pack Your Boxes When Moving House

    Packing your belongings for a house move with Packers and Movers Bangalore to Pune is a lengthy process and it is often considered to be one of the least enjoyable parts of moving house. Whilst you’re packing, it is likely that you will use a range of different packing materials to make things as easy as possible for yourself, but you can almost guarantee that most of your packing will be done into boxes. 

    Cardboard boxes are an essential part of any house move and they are ideal for moving everything from pots and pans to towels and bedding into your new property. However, lots of homeowners make the same mistakes when packing their belongings. To help ensure moving day is as stress-free as possible, below we have looked into the best way to pack your boxes when moving house, including some useful tips and tricks. 

    Purchase Different Sized Boxes

    Often, when purchasing high-quality boxes for their house move, people will get the biggest boxes they can. Although you will need some bigger boxes for lighter items, you will actually need smaller boxes too. Ideally, to make the boxes easier to carry on moving day, you should pack your heavier items into smaller boxes and ensure that you’re not overloading them. You may even want to consider getting some wardrobe boxes for your clothes too. 

    Put Heavy Items At The Bottom Of The Boxes 

    This may seem quite obvious, but it can be easy to forget when you’re packing in a hurry. Make sure that you’re packing heavier items into the bottom of your boxes and that you’re evenly distributing the weight too. This will help to reduce the likelihood of your boxes breaking when you try to lift them and it will also stop fragile items from getting damaged. 

    Pack Different Rooms Into Different Boxes 

    When you are packing your boxes, try not to mix and match items from different rooms. Even though this might make packing quicker, it will make unpacking much more difficult. Professional removals companies would recommend that you start in one room and pack all of your belongings, apart from your essentials, before moving on to the next room. 

    Fill Any Empty Gaps In The Boxes

    Regardless of what you’re packing into your cardboard boxes, make sure that you’re filling any gaps with things such as packing paper and bubble wrap. This will help to prevent items from sliding around in the box and being damaged during the move. You can always use household items like towels and bed linen instead of conventional packing materials too.  

    Don’t Forget To Label The Boxes 

    Again, this may seem like a given, but so many people forget to label their boxes when they don’t have a pen to hand. So, whenever you’re packing your belongings, make sure that you have both packing tape and a marker pen with you. Labelling your boxes will speed things up on moving day and also make unpacking much less hassle. You may also want to consider using some fragile tape for boxes that need to be handled with extra care. 

    Use A Professional Packing Services

    You don’t actually have to pack your boxes yourself when you’re moving house and you can make things much easier by simply arranging a professional packing services. Whether you opt for a full packing services or just a fragile packing services, you can trust that a team of experts will pack your boxes in the best possible way. Of course, using a packing services will give you one less thing to worry about as well.

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